Clinton & Paul Farmer Tour #Haiti’s Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital @PIH
Jim Ansara, Director of Construction & Dr. David Walton, PIH, review blueprints of Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital with Pres. Bill Clinton, March 7, 2012.
For days Haitian and volunteer construction workers made the construction site of Haiti’s new National Teaching Hospital ship-shape for today’s visit by dignitaries, former President Bill Clinton and Partners in Health (PIH) co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer. Guided by Dr. David Walton and my husband Jim, Director of Construction for PIH, Clinton and his entourage examined blue-prints for the 320-bed hospital in Haiti’s Central Plateau. They also toured the completed maternal and infant care building of the first solar-powered hospital in the Caribbean. The hospital is a public-private partnership between the Government of Haiti, Partners in Health, and Zanmi Lasante, PIH’s sister organization in Haiti.
Clinton, Walton, & Ansara discuss progress towards completion of National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais.