International Focus
"Really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
International Philanthropy
Private philanthropy in the developing world plays a critical role in supporting social change in Africa, Asia and Latin America, especially as traditional bi-lateral and multi-lateral funding to global development efforts wanes. Established and emerging philanthropists are adopting increasingly global perspectives, ambitions, and agendas, and these philanthropists bring to the table not only their financial resources, but also new ideas, attitudes, and approaches.
The potential for U.S. international philanthropy to help address critical global challenges has never been more important, and yet it accounts for only 5% of all giving from the U.S.
Photo: Members of New England International Donors network and learn about strategic philanthropy at the Innovations in International Philanthropy Symposium co-created with The Philanthropic Initiative.