Jan. 16 Event, Washington, DC: “Where Do We Go From Here?” Haiti Film Fest — TransAfrica Forum & Let Haiti Live
Photo Credit: http://store.estherhavens.com/p250435186/h1F084347#h1f08447
Join TransAfrica Forum and Let Haiti Live for a film festival and discussion about lessons learned, aid accountability and transparency and Haitian responses to the post-Quake reconstruction efforts.
Where Do We Go From Here?
In Commemoration of the January 2010 Haiti Earthquake, on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, January 16, 2012
3:00 pm – 8:30 pm
WHERE: Busboys and Poets, Cullen Room
1025 5th Street, NW
Washington DC 20001
3:00 Program Opening
3:30 “Haiti: After the Quake,” Al Jazeera English Program
4:30 “Broken Stones” by Guetty Felin *Special Sneak Preview*
5:30 Panel Discussion featuring Sebastian Walker, Al Jazeera English
Moderated by TransAfrica
6:30 “Where Did the Money Go?” By Michele Mitchell and Film At 11
7:30 Panel Discussion with Michele Mitchell
Moderated by TransAfrica
For more information, contact: info@transafrica.org
For the flyer see: Haiti 2 Year Film Festival – Washington DC – Transafrica