New U.S.-Nepal Fund Launched after Model of Successful Haiti Fund at the Boston Foundation
Nepalese Girl – photo credit Eric Montfort
Based on the tremendous impact of the Haiti Fund in helping to strengthen Haitian-led initiatives and empowering a cadre of Haitian American leaders to lead a philanthropic response to the Haiti earthquake, the Boston Foundation has launched a U.S.-Nepal Fund following a similar model. The fund will be coordinated by the Center for Global Philanthropy at The Philanthropic Initiative in Boston. An inclusive committee of Nepalese American leaders and other experts will guide decisions.
Here is the formal announcement from the Boston Foundation…
The US-Nepal Fund at the Boston Foundation: Local US Communities Responding to Grassroots Nepali Organizations
The Boston Foundation has established The US-Nepal Fund at the Boston Foundation, seeded by members of our donor community Karen and Jim Ansara and drawing on lessons learned through The Haiti Fund and the Japanese Disaster Relief Fund, both housed at the Boston Foundation. The Ansaras, long-time grantmakers to Nepal, will match the first $100,000 in gifts from other funders.
We invite you to join us in building The US-Nepal Fund that will draw upon the wisdom of Nepalese Americans and international development experts and be directed by our Center for Global Philanthropy at The Philanthropic Initiative. All funds raised will support community-led, long-term reconstruction and renewal with attention to human rights. The Fund will accept money from donors across the US, and disburse all funds by December 2015. All donations will support reconstruction and renewal efforts, as administrative fees will be covered through the seed grant.
The Fund’s resources will go directly to Nepal-based, grassroots organizations. Nepalese involvement will ensure cultural competence, provide needed networks, and lend crucial expertise to ensure every dollar sent goes to organizations that can have the greatest impact locally.
Finally, we invite you to support other organizations in Nepal, as well. You can find a list of trusted organizations to support through our New England International Donors (NEID) website.