American India Foundation
The American India Foundation is committed to improving the lives of India’s underprivileged -- with a special focus on women, children, and youth -- through high-impact interventions in education, health, and livelihoods.. Emergency COVID19 grants, including from the Ansaras, have leveraged AIF’s 20 years of experience working in humanitarian crises with various state governments and civil society organizations. Emergency funds were used to purchase oxygen plants for 51 cities, 5,200 oxygen concentrators, and many oxygen cylinders, high-end ventilators, PPE kits, and much more medical equipment and supplies for healthcare facilities pan-India.
Photo credit: The American India Foundation.

"Don't wait for a Gandhi, don't wait for a King, don't wait for a Mandela. You are your own Mandela, you are your own Gandhi, you are your own King."
Leymah Gbowee, Liberian Peace Activist