Healthy Equity International - St. Bonface Hospital
Tucked into a remote rural community on Haiti’s Southern Peninsula, Health Equity International and its main facility, St. Boniface Hospital, comprise the second largest hospital in terms of patient volume in all of Haiti. HEI combines community health programs in remote villages with specialized clinical care at a new Maternal and Neo-Natal Center, a Surgical Center, and an Infectious Disease Center. HEI’s expansion has been constructed by Build Health International. As the largest 24-hour hospital in the 2021 earthquake zone, HEI coordinated emergency care at its hospital and mobile clinics in the area. Jim has served on the board of HEI since 2011.
Photos credits: Terry Sebastian/SBHF, Health Equity International.

"Men anpil chay pa lou."-"Many hands make the load lighter."
Haitian proverb