Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board Holds Inaugural Meeting
I am pleased to join the inaugural Dean’s Advisory Board for the new Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, which brings together all faculty and their departments offering undergraduate and graduate programs in Global Studies. From International Relations and Security, to Global Development Policy, to deep-dive regional studies, the Pardee School is now offering multiple degrees to prepare principled, skilled leaders for the public and private sectors, and for development organizations around the world.
The Dean’s Advisory Board of the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University held its inaugural meeting on April 25, 2018, at 121 Bay State Road. The board’s inaugural meeting with Pardee School Dean Adil Najam, Boston University Provost Jean Morrison and Pardee School Associate Dean for Academic Affairs William Grimes was preceded by a luncheon with Pardee School faculty and academic leadership.
Members of the Dean’s Advisory Board provide advice to the Pardee School Dean on broad matters of strategy and planning, serve as ambassadors of the school’s mission and vision, and help raise philanthropic resources for the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. The Dean’s Advisory Board serves as a sounding board for the dean and school by reviewing and providing feedback on the most important matters facing the Pardee School.
The membership of the Dean’s Advisory Board includes alumni and friends of the Pardee School who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the school, to higher education, and to the study of global and international affairs.
Members of the Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board include:
Frederick S. Pardee (SMG’54, GSM’54, Hon.’06), Honorary Chair
Karen Ansara
Milind Deora (Questrom ‘99)
Gerry Gitner (CAS’66, Trustee Emeritus)
Andrew McCarthy (Pardee ’06, CGS ’04)
Ruth Moorman (CAS’88, SED’89,’09)
Stuart Pratt (CAS’69, Questrom Parent ’18)
Aamer Sarfraz (SMG ‘02)
Adam Smith (Pardee ‘93)
You can learn more about each member of the Pardee School Dean’s Advisory Board here.
This distinguished group brings valuable and unique insights on different industries and regions around the world. This “real world” perspective is vital for building a school relevant to today’s world and for preparing professionals for careers in international affairs.
Prior to the meeting, a luncheon with Pardee School faculty gave Advisory Board members the opportunity to meet with faculty and learn more about their research and expertise.