Haiti After Hurricane Matthew

Jérémie, the capital of the Grand’Anse region after Matthew. Photos: Logan Abassi via UN/Minustah

Jérémie, the capital of the Grand’Anse region after Matthew. Photos: Logan Abassi via UN/Minustah

Haitians Live on Solidarity after Hurricane Matthew

The Southern Peninsula of Haiti has been decimated but not destroyed.  The strong networks of local leaders and residents will support each other and rebuild, with our solidarity and support.

Many of my friends are asking where to give — AGAIN.  If you have a personal connection to a region in Haiti, an organization or aid worker, by all means give there.  Your gift of solidarity will mean as much as your dollars and will keep you engaged.

Many organizations are raising money to do work in Haiti, but in this emergency phase, I recommend this one:  St. Boniface Haiti Foundation (SBHF).  They are the ones in helicopters NOW charged with surveying the condition of clinics and hospitals in the entire South of Haiti so they can coordinate the medical response.  Their hospital in Fond des Blancs will be the referral hospital for 2 million residents of the south.  Thanks to work by Build Health International, SBHF was not badly damaged and they are well staffed.  We need to raise hundreds of thousands for this free-care hospital.  Please give to www.haitihealth.org.

For rebuilding and replanting in the countryside, where farms have been obliterated so close to harvest, please consider the Haiti Development Institute, the next generation of the Haiti Fund.  We will be making rapid grants to scores of our grantees in Southern Haiti to get agriculture and the economy going again so that a massive famine will not result.  http://www.hdihaiti.org/hurricane-matthew-response

Thank you for your caring and generosity once again, my friends.




See more photos here.


Applying Human Rights Principles After a Disaster


Building the St. Boniface Hospital Surgical Center