If I Had 28 Precious Minutes to Save a Life in #Haiti…
"Baseball in the Time of Cholera" premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York City.
If I had 28 precious minutes, I would watch this riveting video. I would sign this compelling petition. I would send this video, “Baseball in the Time of Cholera,” everywhere I could.
Now is the moment to make this go viral. Wake up the world.
See for yourself the evidence. Live the experience through one boy’s story.
One Haitian boy who simply loves baseball… who simply loves his life… who simply loves. Period.
And don’t forget to sign.
Join 102 US Congressmen who signed a letter yesterday; and the New York Times, which printed an editorial in May. They called for the UN to take responsibility for the cholera its troops unwittingly brought to the Haitian people.
Join thousands of global citizens in demanding the UN pay reparations to build clean water infrastructure throughout Haiti. The UN is the only body with enough money and muscle to bring life-saving water to all Haiti’s people.
Major international organizations — like the World Health Organization, the Pan American Health Organization and UNICEF, agree that the only way to contain the epidemic, now endemic — now permanent in Haiti’s waterways — is by building comprehensive potable water and sanitation systems throughout the nation.
In May and June alone another 290 persons perished in a matter of hours. Another 40,000 came close to dying.
Since the outbreak started 10 months after the earthquake, 7,418 have died… and 579,014 nearly died.
But these are just numbers. Just listen to one real boy named Joseph. You will never forget him.
Even if I saved one life — by watching, sending and signing — my 28 minutes would have been worth sacrificing.
And yours?
“We do this with no capital except our valuable time. We do this because the world we live in is a house on fire and the people we love are burning.” — Sandra Cisneros, The House on Mango Street
“Baseball in the Time of Cholera” was created by David Darg, Bryan Mooser, Olivia Wilde, andElon Musk. It chronicles events in the life of Joseph and the heroic advocacy of partners Mario Joseph, Esq. of the Bureau des Avocats Internationaux (BAI) and Brian Concannon, Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH.) The Ansara Family Fund and the Haiti Fund at the Boston Foundation proudly support their courageous work.