Mentors Are Not Just for Millenials: Watch FREE @iOnPoverty Videos
Jonathan Lewis interviewing Vini Bhansali, ED of IDEX, for iOnPoverty.
I would not be who I am had it not been for my mentors — and as a woman in my 50’s, I need mentors today just as much as I did in my 20’s. Now I can chose a virtual mentor from a FREE series of on-line interviews at The brainchild of Jonathan Lewis, serial entrepreneur, the videos convey a direct, edgy style to appeal to “Millenials,” those in college and graduating since the turn of the century. For those seeking a new path, iOnPoverty invites social change “pros” to give tips about pursuing “careers with conscience” in fields such as economic justice, social investing and philanthropy.
For a sampling of the FREE videos, see
These days, demand for jobs with conscience is high. An article in this week’s The Economist featuring iOnPoverty reported: “according to a recent survey by Net Impact, an industry association, more than 70% of college students and 50% of workers are looking for jobs with social impact. Nearly 60% of students are even willing to take a pay cut in order to work for a company that represents their values.” And yet, Lewis notes that only 50% of Americans between 18-24 are employed at all, much less in careers of their choice.
With charm and disarming humor, Lewis elicits from his guests, called “Pathfinders,” the kind of candid advice one can’t often get from a career counselor. Pathfinder Vini Bhansali, Executive Director of IDEX, International Development Exhange, shared: “Be present to what you carry and you don’t know. To truly learn that means to make yourself uncomfortable and be humble.”
Today I had the privilege of spending time with a beloved mentor from the social change job I landed 31 years ago. We laughed at how little I knew then, and yet how much I was handed. We remembered how she thrust me outside my comfort zone — quite literally — by pushing me onstage before a crowd of 800 when the keynote speaker never materialized. She depended on me, and so somehow I spoke. Even more valuable than the skills she taught me or the challenges she gave me, was her demeanor. I always remember her graciousness and gratitude towards colleagues and donors. Today she taught me again, that everyone needs a coach — no matter how junior or senior, whether Millenial or Baby Boomer.
Now I have a panoply of coaches and mentors at Check them out! And read here for the concept behind iOnPoverty.
Jonathan Lewis is the founder of the annual “unconference” for economic justice in Ixtapa, Mexico, the Opportunity Collaboration; the founder of MicroCredit Enterprises, which guarantees microloans to poor women around the world; and much, much more! As a member of the Steering Committee of the Opportunity Collaboration and the Board of MicroCredit Enterprises, I am indeed fortunate to consider Jonathan one of my mentors.