Faith In Action / OPODNE
Faith in Action (formerly PICO) launched Organisation Peuple Œcuménique pour le Developpment du Nord-Est (OPODNE) in 2014 and has since inspired over 500 leaders from Organizing Committees in 13 towns. Organizing Committees build solidarity and trust between members of area churches, Roman Catholic and Protestant. They have in turn mobilized over 2,500 people for self-help activities, including establishing a peanut co-op and a banana coop. Some communities now operate successful micro-lending programs. In addition, Faith in Action International’s affiliates across the US organize Haitian Diaspora communities to urge members of the United State Congress and the Biden Administration to find “A Way Forward in Haiti” that restores democracy and economic opportunity.
Photo credits: OPODNE.

"Men anpil chay pa lou."-"Many hands make the load lighter."
Haitian proverb