Fonkoze Foundation
Fonkoze provides financial and non-financial services to empower Haitians—primarily women—to lift their families out of poverty. Fonkoze empowers women in the most remote regions of Haiti to be leaders and change agents in their communities through:
Pathway to a Better Life (Chemen Lavi Miyò, CLM): An 18-month ultra-poverty alleviation program that empowers women to build livelihoods and develop the skills and self-confidence to sustain them. Health (Boutik Sante): Registered nurses train women to provide health trainings and products in remote regions of Haiti. Tablet-Based Education (EdTek): Teaches women, regardless of literacy, about business development, gender-based violence, life skills, and more.
Photo credits: Fonkoze

"Men anpil chay pa lou."-"Many hands make the load lighter."
Haitian proverb