“What I Believe” — Dr. Paul Farmer, Partners in Health, 25th Anniv.

Tonight we celebrate Partners in Health’s 25 years of putting the poor first. Why do you believe inPartners in Health? Co-Founder Paul Farmer shares below. Post your comments here :http://act.pih.org/ShareWhy


When Tom White, Todd McCormack, Ophelia Dahl, Jim Kim, and I founded Partners In Health 25 years ago, we couldn’t have known what PIH would be today. But we believed in what it could be, and believed we could successfully address the roots of ill health. And we believed we weren’t alone.

Sure enough, we found partners who shared that belief. We have learned together that the persistent and novel pathologies of poverty cholera, say, and tuberculosis, and AIDS, or the great crucible of Haiti‘s 2010 earthquake—can only be addressed through true partnerships. And together, we have built and strengthened teams and systems across Haiti and far beyond, to Africa and Boston and the Navajo Nation, to deliver the fruits of modern medicine to those who need them most.

Throughout, we have been fortunate to count on you and the others who support PIH. Your gifts literally make our work possible—and further, your belief in us and in the work we do together buoys us, strengthening our ability to serve our patients and to continue to do this essential and sometimes heartbreaking work. As we mark the milestone of our twenty-fifth year, we invite you to help us celebrate our birthday with a note about why you believe in Partners In Health.

Share your reason for believing in Partners In Health, and see what others have said.

The path we walk together, with patients and PIHers around the world, is a long one. As I look ahead, I see a continuing need for partners who can help us respond quickly and effectively to epidemics foretold and unforeseeable, and especially to the persistent epidemic of poverty. You are part of a multitude who share in our work: doctors and nurses, community health workers and computer programmers, CEOs and middle schoolers, ministers of health and musicians. Without that worldwide support—without each of you—PIH wouldn’t be what it is today.

Add your voice. Tell us why you believe in PIH:


I believe we’ll be doing this work for 25 more years—and beyond. I hope you will be with us along the way.

Dr. Paul Farmer
Co-Founder, Partners In Health


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