Blog & News
If I Had 28 Precious Minutes to Save a Life in #Haiti…
If I had 28 precious minutes, I would watch this riveting video. I would sign this compelling petition. I would send this video, “Baseball in the Time of Cholera,” everywhere I could. Now is the moment to make this go viral. Wake up the world! See for yourself the evidence.
“You have something we need.” Dr. Paul Farmer @PIH addresses @worldbank about #Mirebalais #Haiti
Speaking on a panel at the World Bank along with Partners in Health co-founder Dr. Jim Kim, now President of the Bank, Dr.Paul Farmer stressed that pills and prevention are not enough to end disease because it is inseparable from poverty and that investing in one sector divorced from others will not end that poverty.
Let Them Eat Nothing: America’s Children Will Lose Out in New Farm Bill
The gnawing poverty of America’s families in the worst economy since the Great Depression seems to be invisible to many members of Congress. The Agriculture Committee of the House of Representatives just approved a farm bill with $16.5 million in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program known as SNAP or food stamps.
April 26 Event: #Haiti Lobby Day Agenda on Capitol Hill — HAWG
The Haiti Advocacy Working Group, Haitian Grassroots partners, Diaspora leaders and additional U.S. Citizens are coming together to bring their voices to Capitol Hill on April 26, 2012. They will advocate for a just reconstruction process in Haiti, one that prioritizes consultation with Haitian grassroots groups and Diaspora groups.
#Haiti’s President Martelly Toured @PIH Hospital in #Mirebalais with Jim Ansara
In late March Haiti’s President Michel Martelly toured the new National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais being built under the auspices of Partners in Health in partnership with the Haiti’s Ministry of Health. The facility will be owned by the Haitian Government. Jim Ansara, Director of Construction for PIH noted that “President Martelly was blown away.
March 23 Event: Taking the Routes Less Traveled: the Missions of “Adventuresome” International Donors – #NEID Networking Lunch @bostonfdn
Join David Campbell (founder of All Hands Volunteers), Appy Chandler and representatives from the Japanese Disaster Relief Fund Boston for a lively discussion about their international philanthropy efforts. The conversation will be facilitated and hosted by Kate Guedj, Vice President of Donor Services at the Boston Foundation and member of NEID’s Steering Committee.
On-line Banking That Gives Back Right Off the Bat:
“Most banks give only .025% to charity. Can you believe that?” asked Rick Wayne, President and CEO of Northeast Bank in Greater Boston, when I met him last week. “Our new all on-line savings platform, ableBanking, will give $25 to the charity of your choice as soon as you open an account.
Clinton & Paul Farmer Tour #Haiti’s Mirebalais National Teaching Hospital @PIH
For days Haitian and volunteer construction workers made the construction site of Haiti’s new National Teaching Hospital ship-shape for today’s visit by dignitaries, former President Bill Clinton and Partners in Health (PIH) co-founder Dr. Paul Farmer. Guided by Dr. David Walton and my husband Jim, Director of Construction for PIH, Clinton and his entourage examined.
Feb. 24-25 Event: Amazing Speakers for #Haiti Two-Year Advocacy Day — #HAWG, Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
Over 30 human rights, international development and faith-based organizations called the Haiti Advocacy Working Group (HAWG) are convening on January 23-25 with Congressional representatives, leaders from Haitian civil society and Haitian Diaspora organizations to discuss progress made in Haiti since the earthquake. The sessions include an amazing line-up of speakers.
2011 Grants to Haiti from Ansara Family Fund
In 2011 our family fund issued a number of grants to Haiti, which are profiled on this page of our website. By clicking on a photo, you can read a description of the purpose of the grant. It has been our honor to walk with the people of Haiti,
St. Cecilia’s Church in Boston furnishes Haiti’s National Teaching Hospital – Boston Globe
This week the first building of Haiti’s new National Teaching Hospital in Mirebalais, which will care for women and infants, was unveiled for the media and public. A central feature of its voluminous waiting room are well-used church pews lovely restored and shipped to Haiti, a donation of St. Cecilia’s Roman Catholic parish in Boston.
Getting the Facts Straight on Global Aid to Haiti: Data from the UN Special Envoy to Haiti
The flood of reporting on Haiti this week, the second anniversary of the historic earthquake in Haiti, is citing wide variations in figures for the amount of aid pledged to Haiti. I must admit, getting the facts straight on global aid to Haiti after the earthquake is enormously challenging due to all the different buckets of aid pledged and vehicles for coordinating it.
Jan. 16 Event, Washington, DC: “Where Do We Go From Here?” Haiti Film Fest — TransAfrica Forum & Let Haiti Live
Join TransAfrica Forum and Let Haiti Live for a film festival and discussion about lessons learned, aid accountability and transparency and Haitian responses to the post-Quake reconstruction efforts. Where Do We Go From Here? In Commemoration of the January 2010 Haiti Earthquake, on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Monday, January 16, 2012 3:00 pm
“Can the Rocks in the Water Know the Pain of the Rocks in the Sun?” Eight Ways We Can Help Haiti Today
On January 7, 2012 an annual gala celebrating the 208th birthday of Haitian Independence drew over 500 people — mostly Haitian Americans. In a program replete with Haitian folkloric dancing, singing, proclamations, humanitarian awards and speeches, I was invited to speak on the topic of “How we can individually and collectively help Haiti,”
January 23-25 Events in Washington DC: Haiti Advocacy Working Group
Haitian Americans, Friends of Haiti, and Haitian civil society leaders will converge on Capitol Hill from January 23-25 to meet with members of Congress to discuss progress in rebuilding Haiti. Organized by the Haiti Advocacy Working Group, a coalition of international development, human rights and faith based organizations,
“The Dream House Nightmare:” Empty Homes, Absent Management, Broken Fixtures — #Haiti Grassroots Watch #Haitifund @bostonfdn
“One hundred and twenty eight homes near Port-au-Prince and which were finished in May, 2010, sat empty for 15 months, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of refugees were suffering in sordid camps. Finally the homes are occupied… but the majority by squatters,” reports Haiti Grassroots Watch,
“What Is Your Sentence?” — Remarks for #Wheelock College’s Passion for Action Scholars, Boston, MA
On November 16 I had the honor of speaking at a fundraising event for Wheelock College at the JFK Library in Boston. The annual event celebrates students who receive generous four-year scholarships at $20,000 per year because of their proven commitment to community service.
Haiti Is Open for Business, but Should It Be? — Haiti Grassroots Watch
Haiti Grassroots Watch, a collaboration of Haitian grassroots journalists and radio broadcasters, seeking to give voice to Haiti’s poor in the reconstruction process, has just released another series of exposes of the dynamics behind Haiti’s reconstruction.
Rotary to #Rotary, Still Rebuilding Haiti — Paul D’Oliveira, Chair, #Haiti Projects Committee
When many charities have gone, Rotary remains. Connecting Rotary Clubs worldwide to Rotary Clubs in places of great need, Rotary International is the largest non-profit service organization in the world. Haiti alone is host to 19 Haitian Rotary Clubs with over 600 active members.
Haitian Youth Bring New Light to #Haiti — IDEJEN & #YouthBuild International’s JENKA Training Center in Gressier
Haiti is largely dark at night. Not a light pole, not a blue television light, not even a car light pierces the night in many vicinities. Now Haitian youth are breaking the night with a simple technology — one they create. At the Gressier JENKA Training Center for youth, born of a partnership between Haitian NGO,